V Oxy
- Rapid oxygen transfer within 5-7 minutes
- Transport oxygen to every cell layer
- Generate energy and stamina
- Magnifies other nutrient functions
- Balance immune system and delay aging
- Increase focus and concentration
Usage direction
- Normal people – mix with 150ml nornal and shake, drink slowly
- Serious stomach issue and have heart disease take 30% of sachet, drink after meal with 100ml normal water
- Possuble body mechanism ,experience result after drinking with empty stomach, may feel like after one hour exercise result:
- Ears turning red
- Tingling sensation
- Short stomach pain
- Certain joint parts turning red
- Skin turning red and warm
- Body itchiness
- Heart beating a little fast
- Tiredess and sleepiness
- Body temperature rises slightly
- Improve Oxygen level in blood
Noted: First time consuming V Oxy+ need to attend PCN Zoom meeting or consult your agents before drink it.